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My place for updates, ramblings, and insights I think are important.

Roadmap to Success: Operations

Operations is the systematic, controlled analysis and implementation of processes for a business, intended to streamline productivity and decrease revenue loss. The person who wants to work in operations should have a wide range of skills related to data analysis,...

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Why Operations is Vital

Operations is vital to how your business runs on a daily basis. It contributes by way of streamlining processes, providing a pathway for leads, and generally providing the underlying structure to the other role areas' day-to-day work. Here are some of the things...

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Operations: Interview Analyses

"Operations" is broad, but it can be easily defined as all the processes and paths that take place behind-the-scenes. To discover more about the operations role, I listened to four episodes from the Operations podcast hosted by Sean Lane, the director of operations at...

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Sales Roundup

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What Sales Can Do For You

In my last post about marketing, I mentioned that sales and marketing can be difficult to distinguish in terms of their definitions. That's still true, but this week I can tell you I have a clearer understanding of their key difference: Marketing is broad, sales is...

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7 Tips for Being Successful in Sales

Sales aren't limited to cold-calling. Most salespeople agree: everything is a sale. Whether you're selling a business, a product, or yourself, you are selling. So, knowing how to do the specific role of sales well will benefit all areas of business life, too. Sales...

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12 Problems for Life

As I'm building my Second Brain system of note-taking, it's been suggested to create a list of my 12 favorite problems. This list is about the 12 top questions, problems, or areas I want to find resolution in. How can I cultivate and promote Beauty in and through all...

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What Can You Expect in a Sales Role?

Yesterday, I interviewed my good friend Timothy Roberts. He's a sales consultant with TurfBot, a full-service robotic mowing company. We discussed the role of sales, the mindset necessary to succeed in it, and much more. On a scale from one to ten, how important is...

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Using Evernote to Build a Second Brain

This week, I've been following the curriculum for Tiago Forte's Building a Second Brain method of knowledge organization. In the video below, I show how I've used Evernote to facilitate this process.

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