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What Sales Can Do For You

In my last post about marketing, I mentioned that sales and marketing can be difficult to distinguish in terms of their definitions. That’s still true, but this week I can tell you I have a clearer understanding of their key difference: Marketing is broad, sales...

7 Tips for Being Successful in Sales

Sales aren’t limited to cold-calling. Most salespeople agree: everything is a sale. Whether you’re selling a business, a product, or yourself, you are selling. So, knowing how to do the specific role of sales well will benefit all areas of business life,...

12 Problems for Life

As I’m building my Second Brain system of note-taking, it’s been suggested to create a list of my 12 favorite problems. This list is about the 12 top questions, problems, or areas I want to find resolution in. How can I cultivate and promote Beauty in and...

What Can You Expect in a Sales Role?

Yesterday, I interviewed my good friend Timothy Roberts. He’s a sales consultant with TurfBot, a full-service robotic mowing company. We discussed the role of sales, the mindset necessary to succeed in it, and much more. On a scale from one to ten, how important...

7 Essential Skills and Habits for Marketing

Marketing is often hard to pin down. It applies so broadly across different parts of a given business. Fittingly, then, the skills that apply toward marketing are equally diverse. But don’t worry, you don’t need to know every single skill covered by the...