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The work I’m doing this month is dedicated to showing a local brewing company (and by extension, any other companies) what I’m able to do for them in the area of marketing.


  1. I produced a second copywriting blog post.
  2. I Created a video about Mailchimp’s reports feature.
  3. I talked about what I learned about Google Analytics.
  4. I wrote a collection of copy for use on social media to promote DarkHeart Brewing.


My consistency in work hours was pretty similar to last week. Several hours spent each evening after work in addition to longer hours on Saturday.

The majority of my work was spent on Saturday afternoon and Monday evening, as I looked more into Google Analytics from the limited standpoint of a single-member audience, but significant time was also dedicated to writing social media copy.

You don’t quite get realistic statistics when you send email campaigns to yourself, but it’s important for understanding how the product works!

What I’ve Learned

This week has been really eye-opening as far as the tools at everyone’s disposal to help with their business. It’s really a whole new world in the information age.

Mailchimp’s reports feature, including Google Analytics, and Google Analytics, taken by itself, are powerful resources for the marketing professional or the marketing amateur.

As far as personal revelations go, I’ve realized I’m not as good at writing copy as I thought. Though I have a much better understanding of the craft than I did when I started this project, I can easily see this skill being one that I never quite master but always improve in.

Tune In Next Week…

…For exciting developments!

Next week is the last week of this project. And by the end of it, I’ll have a complete list of social media copy, explored social media advertising, written a more comprehensive article about using Google Analytics to your advantage, and created two or three visual advertisements for social media.

All told, I’ll have a collection of media and copy for a DarkHeart Brewing marketing campaign that I can hand off to them for their use. In addition, I will possess a toolbox of skills and knowledge that can be used anywhere and applied to any campaign.

I’m a little melancholy to see this particular project end, but I’ll be glad to have a body of work at the end of it that I can be proud of.